For Scientists: Please submit papers/conference articles for consideration via email: info@relational-space.org
Scientists in all disciplines are welcome to apply.
Expertise/paper topic should be consistent with the Narrative.
The main text should be no more than 5,000 words.
The abstract should be no more than 200 words.
Your manuscript text file should start with a title page that shows author affiliations and contact information, identifying the corresponding author with an asterisk. We recommend that each section includes an introduction of referenced text that expands on the background of the work. Some overlap with the Abstract is acceptable.
For the main body of the text, there are no specific requirements. You can organize it in a way that best suits your research. However, the following structure will be suitable in many cases:
Results (with subheadings)
Discussion (without subheadings)
You should then follow the main body of text with:
References (limited to 60 references, though not strictly enforced)
Acknowledgements (optional)
Author contributions (names must be given as initials)
Additional Information (including a Competing Interests Statement)
Figure legends (these are limited to 350 words per figure)
Tables (maximum size of one page)
Your submission must also include:
A cover letter
Individual figure files and optional supplementary information files
For Artists: Artists may submit up to 3 works for consideration.
Curators will select works based on a determined narrative
Artists working in all mediums are welcome to apply. This exhibition is collaborative, immersive and multi-sensory. Artworks and project ideas that enhance this format are encouraged to apply. Relational Space welcomes submissions of art works in any media, including but not limited to: painting, sculpture, photography, video, digital art, sound art, performance, AR, XR and other new media or well-developed ideas for creating the works, in order to realize a deeply compelling event.
The show is strongly promoted via social media, email, and additional networks. Each artist is also highlighted individually on social media. Artists working in video or new media may need to provide their own equipment. Shipping and Handling are the responsibility of the artist.
Deadline to Submit: TBD
Selected artists will be notified TBD
Exhibition dates TBA
Please see Open Call FAQ below for more information about submission process
Please fill out the form below. There are five steps:
Artist information
Artist bio
Upload works (up to three images or videos)
Process payment ($15)
How recent does my work have to be to enter the show?
Your work must have been completed within the last three years. This is to ensure we are sharing contemporary work with our viewers and representing your most current endeavors.
How does the jurying process work?
After the entry deadline, all submitted entries are reviewed by the juror(s). The juror(s) thoughtfully select the works and our Exhibitions Manager contact artists by email about their acceptance/rejection.
How do I know if my work is accepted?
On the specific exhibition page a Call for Entries timeline will be posted, a date is listed as to when artists will be notified of their acceptance/rejection into a juried exhibition. You can view the current Relational-Space calendar here. If you have not received any notification after a reasonable time (3-5 days), contact info@Relational-Space.org as your letter may have been lost in the spam mail folder. We will notify you in either case of acceptance or rejection.
Is there a submission fee to apply?
Relational Space is sensitive to the financial stress associated with artistic endeavor and therefore charges only a small submission fee to cover to costs associated with the submission process.
How do I label my images/files? Which types of files are accepted? Is there a size limit?
Images should be JPEG approx. 2000 x 1500 pixels at 72 dpi (no larger than 3 mb). RAW and other formats will not be accepted. Each image should be labeled: lastname_firstname_#.jpg (example Smith_John_02.jpg)
Why do my images need to be at 72dpi? What does dpi mean?
Dpi refers to the number of pixels that an image has which determines the quality of he image. We are requesting that submitted images be 72dpi (no larger than 3 mb). For our reviewing needs this dpi is high enough resolution for the jurors to be able to see the quality and craftsmanship of the artwork through our submission platform.
Can international artists show in your galleries?
Yes. Relational Space is open to participation globally. The show is promoted via social media, email list, and additional network contacts. Each artist is also highlighted individually on social media.
Can I enter work that has already been in a Relational Space exhibition?
No. You may not submit artwork that has already shown in our gallery.
May I bring in my artwork to the FAC to enter an exhibition?
No. Do not bring your artwork to the facility in order to enter an exhibition. The only acceptable way to enter an exhibition is through the submission process for juror consideration through our online forms. At the time of submission, you must also include all requested information and entry fee.
What do you mean by dimensions?
If appropriate, you must provide the size of your finished, framed piece. Please list dimensions as height x width x depth. Depth must only be included if your work is three-dimensional and is not necessary for 2D wall hung work.
What do you mean by medium?
Here we are asking for the materials and processes used in your piece. Examples of mediums are “photography, digital photography, video, sound, print, oil, watercolor, pastel, pen and ink, clay, bronze, fibers, collage, paper, mixed media”, etc. These are only examples and this is by no means a comprehensive list! Use your best judgment to tell us the primary material(s) used to make the piece of artwork.
Do I need to write an artist statement or provide an artist bio?
Yes, please provide all information requested in the submission process. This helps Relational Space better understand you and your work, and therefore will be better able to proceed with the Relational Space process. Visitors are often curious about the work in our juried shows and your additional information can assist us in talking about it with them. Typical artist statements and bios are brief—approximately 3-5 sentences.
Will Relational Space sell my artwork?
While we will do our best to promote you and your work, there are no sales or marketing staff. Relational Space does not sell artwork or otherwise broker sales. In this way, should an artist sell their work, the maximum benefit of sales goes directly to the contributing artists. If your work is for sale and is sold while in our exhibition, Relational Space will only retain nominal, direct costs should any be incurred by the gallery. Prices will not be displayed with the works and any such sales will be made directly between the buyer and the artists. No gallery sales commission will be taken.
Legal Agreement: Submission of your work to the show means that you are willing to have your work reproduced electronically and in print for all publicity purposes for the installation. Participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless Relational Space and directors, employees, agents, curators and contractors against all claims, losses, suits, damages, judgments, expenses, costs (including without limitation reasonable legal fees and amounts paid in settlement) and charges of every kind arising out of or resulting from (i) Artist’s execution of this AGREEMENT or its occupancy of the space herein contracted for, or (ii) the acts, omissions, or negligence of Artist, Art Essex Gallery, or, its employees, agents, or contractors, or other Artists by reason of personal injuries, death or property damage or any other cause of action sustained by any persons or others.
Do I need to frame my 2D artwork for an exhibition I’ve been accepted into?
Yes. All two-dimensional artwork must be ready to hang on the gallery wall when you hand-deliver your work at the scheduled time or when you ship it to the FAC. “Ready for hanging” means the artwork must be suitably framed and have all hardware installed for hanging. For example, a print must be behind glass or plexiglass and in a frame suitable for its size. Frames must be made of presentable material (aluminum, wood, metal, etc.) and appropriate for a high-caliber gallery space.
The hardware on the back must consist of a wire attached to the frame between one-third or one-quarter of the way down the sides of the piece so it lays flat against the gallery wall. Do not use saw-tooth hangers. No artwork will be displayed on an easel unless it is part of the artwork.
Unframed, stretched canvas pieces are acceptable as long as they are ready to hang with wire hangers and the sides are given appropriate attention and care. The sides of your canvas will be visible and need to be treated as carefully as the rest of the piece. If your piece requires a different presentation or hanging method, please contact the Exhibition Manager directly to discuss it. Exceptions can be made only if it is intentional, necessary, and approved by the Relational Space staff.
We require this so that the exhibition as a whole looks professional and inviting. Thoughtful framing & presentation are just as important as the artwork itself. We will maintain our gallery standards both for our own credibility as a fine art gallery and in an effort to present your work as well as possible to our visitors. We appreciate and respect your work and have these rules to ensure they are viewed in the best manner possible.
Can I change the title of my work after I submit it for consideration?
Yes, you may. All titles may be changed in coordination with Relational Space staff. We ask for all changes to be submitted in a timely and coordinated way in order to prepare appropriate materials for each exhibition with all the piece’s information included.
My artwork was accepted into a different exhibition and I need have it back before the end of the FAC exhibition. Is that okay?
No. Artwork that is accepted will be on display for the full run of the exhibition and will not be available for any other exhibition during the time period for any reason. If you wish to have your work in the other exhibition, do not submit your piece to Relational Space for inclusion in the installation.
Can I remove my piece if it happens to sell during the exhibition?
Even if an artwork sells, the artist commits to having that artwork remain in the exhibition for the duration of the exhibition.