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There is a vast amount of elite knowledge being continuously produced in almost every field of study. The diffusion of knowledge could lead to astounding scientific advancement and artistic creativity. However, there is a knowledge gap. Knowledge tends to stay in very specific discipline silos. The dissemination of information across disciplinary boundaries would lead to a stunning array of innovations, artistic expression and solutions to global issues.


A vital part of the Relational Space vision is to find new ways for translating complex knowledge and communicating it to diverse audiences in ways that resonate. A good story well told, invents an immersive environment in the imagination.




This first article provides a literature review, comprehensive empirical support and a step-wise rationale for the founding of the Relational Space.


Collaboration, complexity and innovation:  The stories we tell matter

Leigh W. Jerome, Ph.D.



The world is increasing characterized by a paradigm of interconnectivity within a complex system. The problems our global community faces are also complex, interconnected, dynamic and non-linear. Solutions will require boundary-spanning trilateral collaborations that give rise to new narratives, support evidence-based decision-making and work from a systems perspective. This article integrates cross-disciplinary literature that empirically supports the creation of novel platforms for collaboration between science and art. Boundary spanning between these disciplines has been habitually overlooked as a means of forging meaningful trilateral partnerships; however, research strongly points to sciart collaborations for inspiring creative knowledge exchange and expression in novel ways that are really engaging for the public. Trilateral platforms that promote art and science collaboration within multisensory environments offer new hope for new cross-pollination of ideas and the dissemination of powerful data driven narratives able to inspire transformative learning and social change.  

(To read the full article click on the article title above) 


© 2022 Relational Space. All rights reserved. 







Artists and scientists alike are focused on exploring the world through introspection, examination and experimentation. Collaboration provides diversity of inperspective and methodology leading to novel dialogue. Combining scientific exploration with creative expression offers unique opportunities for forming new knowledge, discovery and creativity. To tackle the intractable challenges of our global society requires a brand new language – a language of interdisciplinarity, interconnectedness, and intersectionality. Relational Space provides an immersive space for artistic expression and scholarly knowledge exchange with focus on Evidence-based Art: Art presented in relation to empirically supported ideas to promote transformational social change. Relational Space encourages communication and collaboration among artists, scientists, policy-makers and community activists with focus on marginalized populations and topics of equity and social justice.  Our vision sees a more just and sustainable world, inspired by art and transformed through truth. 


The stories we tell matter.




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